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Kozakov D, Grove LE, Hall DR, Bohnuud T, Mottarella SE, Luo L, Xia B, Beglov D, Vajda S. The FTMap family of web servers for determining and characterizing ligand-binding hot spots of proteins. Nature Protocols. 2015 10(5):733-755;  pdf

Brenke R, Kozakov D, Chuang GY, Beglov D, Hall D, Landon MR, Mattos C, and Vajda S. Fragment-based identification of druggable 'hot spots' of proteins using Fourier domain correlation techniques. Bioinformatics. 2009 Mar 1;  pdf

Kozakov D, Hall DR, Chuang G-Y, Cencic R, Brenke R, Grove LE, Beglov D, Pelletier J, Whitty A, Vajda S. Structural conservation of druggable hot spots in protein-protein interfaces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2011. 108(33):13528-13533; pdf

Bohnuud T, Beglov D, Ngan CH, Zerbe BS, Hall DR, Brenke R, Vajda S, Frank-Kamenetskii MD, Kozakov D. Computational mapping reveals dramatic effect of Hoogsteen breathing on duplex DNA reactivity with formaldehyde. Nucleic Acids Research. 2012. 40(16):7644-7652. pdf

Vajda Lab | ABC Group
Boston University | Stony Brook University